Recently I've found out some cheap chinese online stores and I went crazy. I've ordered so much actually useless thing... Well, of course I've bought some things I really need, but the rest.. Let's be honest: quality sucks. I am soooooo disappointed about that because I've been waited for some of those stuffs for such a looong time... Really, people, don't waste your money and time. It's better to save some money and buy something better in local stores. If you don't have things next to you, maybe you just don't really need it? Thing about that. I'm a person who believes in Fate.
Anyway, I like the print of this shirt I've ordered online. The quality is terrible, a lot of threats and material isn''t the best. I guess I'll wear it several times and thow away because it'll be spoiled. I highly recommend to order only in good online stores, I know that,, are quite good but I haven't tried them but I heard a lot of good reviews about them, maybe they really deserve a try, I don't even know... Anyway, I like online shopping and I'm always looking for new stores around the internet.
Just sayin, ciao!